You are required to take mandatory courses.  These are part of compliance.

To access a course, click on the title of the course you wish to access.

Overview: This course was created to understand each of IO's Competencies.

Objective: At the end of the course participants will be to identify IO's Competencies aligned on corresponding  proficiency levels.

Duration: 2 hrs 

This course is created to provide detailed information in the availment of the current health care provider of IO: Cocolife. It is mandatory for new hires to complete this course. 

Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes

Target Participants: All IO Employees

Infinit-O Global, Limited (IOG) is committed to ethical business.  It is part of who we are.  IOG’s Policy is never to offer, pay, request, solicit or receive bribes, or to facilitate, assist in or abet any offer or payment of bribes and to refuse any request to pay them.  This course will walk you through 

  •   How ethical business is being practiced by IO?

  •   How anti-bribery is being treated in the organization?

  •   How to respond appropriately to an anti-bribery case?


At the end of the course participants will be able to recognize how anti- bribery is being practiced at Infinit-O based on approved company standards.

Estimated time to complete: 1:00 ( one hour)

Target Participants: All Infinit-O Employees

This is a course designed to teach the proper method of organizing and sorting things.

Estimated time to complete: 1:00 ( one hour)

Target Participants: All Infinit-O Employees

Terminal Objective: 

Given different scenarios students must be able to respond and act appropriately based on the 7S principle of organization management.

Enabling Objectives:

At the end of this course student:

  • must be able to name the 7S for workplace organization.
  • must be able to identify the importance of having a proper and organize workplace environment. 
  • must be able to demonstrate an organized workplace environment. 
  • will create an awareness on the basic concepts of 7S and good housekeeping.

This course is designed to help Team members transition from passwords to passphrases in accordance to our new standards in terms of account security. It will also refresh team members on the dangers of Phising and Spear Phising in terms of information privacy and security.

Estimated time to complete: 00:30 (30 minutes)

Target Participants: All Infinit-O Employee

Prerequisite: Information Security Awareness

This course is designed to cascade the importance of Data Privacy. 

Estimated time to complete: 00:30 (thirty minutes)

Target Participants: All Infinit-O Employees

Course Objective: 

At the end of this course student must be able to state the importance of knowing The Data Privacy Act of 2012.

This is a list of IO Policies.  As part of compliance, you must read and acknowledge each of the policies.

Estimated time to complete: 00:45 (forty-five minutes)

Target Audience: All Infinit-O employees

Course Objective: Employees will have read and have an understanding of the IO Policies.

This training is an overview of sexual harassment designed for Infinit-O employees and includes what it is, how to prevent it and how to file a complaint.  It will also provide information on where to find the policy.

Estimated time to complete: 00:15 (fifteen minutes)

Target Participants: All Infinit-O Employees

Course Objective: By the end of the course, the students are expected of the following:

  • Have a clear understanding of what sexual harassment in the workplace is and be able to recognize it in all forms.

  • Know how to react if sexual harassment occurs.

  • Be able to read the policy for future use.

This course is designed to cascade Infinit-O's employee handbook. It covers pertinent details that an IO employee needs to know.  

Estimated time to complete: 00:45 (forty-five minutes)

Target Participants: All Infinit-O Employees

Course Objective: 

At the end of this course student must be able to state the importance of having an employee handbook.


This course is designed to help Team members understand what Information Security is and its associated risks and their role in information Security.

Estimated time to complete: 02:15 (two hours fifteen minutes)

Target Participants: All Infinit-O Employee

Prerequisite: None