Developmental trainings are to help you improve in your job.

To access a course, click on the title of the course you wish to access.

Leaders Orientation will provide information about the following policies and processes:

  • Employment classification and status
  • Onboarding
    • New Hire Orientation (NHO)
    • Team Orientation
  • Benefits
  • SSS Maternity and Sickness Notification Guidelines
  • Leave of Absence (LOA)
  • Return to Work Order (RTWO)
  • Separation Process
  • Revocation Process
  • Due Process
    • How to create Discussion Log and Notice of Decision

Target Audience:  Team Leads

Estimated Time for Completion: 30 Minutes


  • At the end of the course participants will understand and be aware of the policies and processes with regards to Employment, Onboarding, and Benefits

Estimated Time to Complete: 8 hrs

Target Participants: Manager, STL, TL

Course Objectives: At the end of the course, participants,

1.       understand the importance of having the right attitude in problem solving and decision making;

2.       explain the difference between Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking;

3.       realize the value and demand of creative problem solving in today’s business environment;

4.       understand the nature of creativity and its use for creative problem solving;

5.       understand and apply the different creative problem solving methods and creativity techniques on specific concerns,              difficulties and problems in the workplace;

6.       describe a systematic approach to problem solving and decision-making;

7.       perform the five steps in Situational Analysis;

8.       practice the four steps and utilize the different tools in Problem Analysis;

9.       demonstrate the steps in Decision Analysis; and

10.   apply the four steps in Potential Problem Analysis.

What do you do when you have a problem at work? Do you jump straight in and treat the symptoms, or do you stop to consider whether there's actually a deeper problem that needs your attention? If you only fix the symptoms – what you see on the surface – the problem will almost certainly return, and need fixing over, and over again. (MindTools)

Learn the common strategies in determining the root cause/s of a problem by taking this course. 

Estimated Time to complete: 3 hrs

Target Learner: Supervisor, Manager, Leader

Leaders Make the Future by Bob Johansen identifies new leadership skills vital to coping with today’s uncertain and rapidly changing world.  It includes exercises and assessments for developing and applying these skills.

This course features the book Leaders Make the Future. At the end of each discussion is a question that will test your comprehension. 

Estimated time to complete: 05:30 (five hours thirty minutes)

Target Participants: TL's & supervisors

Course Objective: 
After reading Leaders Make the Future, participants will be able to self review current leadership styles and have knowledge on how to improve as a leader based on the points discussed.​

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a self-improvement book. It is written on Covey's belief that the way we see the world is entirely based on our own perceptions. In order to change a given situation, we must change ourselves, and in order to change ourselves, we must be able to change our perceptions.

This course features the book of Covey. At the end of each discussion is a question that will test your comprehension. 

Estimated time to complete: 007:00 (seven hours)

Target Participants:
 All Employees

Course Objective

Given Covey's book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People participants will be able to align current goals and objectives that will create a strategic change in their respective team.