Course Duration: 3 Days

Target Participants: Team Leaders

Course Overview

Innovation is the process of putting new ideas into action. It is an essential process of developing products and services to differentiate uniquely from those of competitors. This course will provide you approaches and processes to enhance your creativity and innovation by turning concepts and ideas into practical applications.

Terminal Objective: 

Given a chosen project participant will be able to come up with an Innovative process using the concept of Design Thinking.

Enabling Objectives:

Part 1: Introduction to Innovation: IO’s Perspective

    1. Recognize IO’s definition of Innovation
    2. Define Whole brain Thinking and Identify one’s natural thinking styles

Part 2: Design Thinking

    1. Define and Understand the concept of Design Thinking
    2. Learn the skill and mindsets and empower team members with the methods of design thinking to be applied in daily work to support growth and innovation
    3. Structure questions using the concept of 5Ws and 1H

Part 3: SIPOC Diagram: Definition and Steps

    1. Learn and understand the SIPOC concept
    2. Create a process applying the concept of SIPOC Diagram
    3. Review and Analyze output based on the concept of design thinking.


  1. Blended approach - Some activities will be posted in MOODLE for the participants to accomplish before and after the actual zoom meeting discussion
  2. Zoom Training - Meet and greet, discussion of Conceptual topics, and group discussion and activities will be done via zoom meeting.

Estimated time to complete: 006:45 (six hours and forty five minutes)

Target Participants:
 All Employees

This course aimed to develop a standard understanding of oral and written communications. It covers topics such as email etiquette, responding clearly and appropriately.  

Objectives of the course: 

Terminal Objective

Given different scenario participants will be able to respond appropriately based on the standards of Infinit-o clients in terms of English pronunciation and grammar.

Enabling Objectives

1. Demonstrate the value of having the same language.

 2. Define Accent and its importance.

 3.  Identify grammatical error in a conversation.

 4. Recognize the right stress, rhythm and intonation in speaking.

This course includes multiple audio stories to listen to. At the end of each audio story you will be tested on your listening comprehension. 

Estimated time to complete: 01:25 (one hour fifteen minutes)

Target Participants:
  • Team Leaders
  • Recruitment

Course Objective: 
  • Given different stories participants will be able to state the correct answers in the comprehension questions based on the required language comprehension skills. 

This is a short interactive article by Catherine Bailey and Adrian Madden that provides insights into what makes work meaningful.  It will challenge you to find the meaning in your work and how to help your team find theirs.

Estimated time to complete: 00:30 (thirty minutes)

Target Participants: All Employees

Course Objective: 

At the end of the article "What Makes Work Meaningful - or Meaningless" by Catherine Bailey and Adrian Madden, participants will be able to align current goals and objectives that will create a strategic change in their respective team.

This is a short interactive article by Catherine Bailey and Adrian Madden that provides insights into what makes work meaningful.  It also goes into common things leaders may do that creates a feeling that work is meaningless for their teams.  It will challenge you to find the meaning in your work and how to help your team find theirs.

Estimated time to complete: 00:45 (forty-five minutes)

Target Participants: Team Lead's

Course Objective: 

At the end of the article "What Makes Work Meaningful - or Meaningless" by Catherine Bailey and Adrian Madden, participants will be able to align current goals and objectives that will create a strategic change in their respective team.

This course includes multiple audio stories to listen to. At the end of each audio story you will be tested on your listening comprehension. 

Estimated time to complete: 01:15 (one hour fifteen minutes)

Target Participants:

  • Team Leaders
  • Recruitment

Course Objective: 
  • Given two different short stories participants will be able to correctly answer the comprehension questions based on the required language comprehension skills.